Last updated on November 27, 2024 by Isabella Claire
All verbs are incredibly important to our everyday conversations in English, and that includes verbs that start with W! Learning verbs that start with different, and often uncommon, letters is fun and also helps us to improve the way we speak. One of the best ways to learn is to pick out a letter of the alphabet and then focus purely on verbs beginning with that letter, such as the letter W.
Verbs that Start with W

What Are Verbs that Start with W?
Verbs allow us to convey our actions, present, past and future, to other people, telling them precisely what we are going to do. Verbs that start with W are examples of these ‘action words’ that start with the letter W. As it is closer to the bottom end of the alphabet, we often don’t take proper notice of W, but it is actually quite a common letter for verbs!
The majority of W verbs are followed by a vowel as the second letter. They are also, typically, only one or two syllables, though there are some longer W verbs. These W verbs also have plenty of synonyms, so you can easily substitute them for other verbs.
Discover more verbs that start with…
Action Verbs that Start with W with Examples
Verbs | Examples |
Wait | She will wait for you at the station. |
Walk | I walk to work every day. |
Wallow | The pig wallowed in the mud. |
Wander | We love to wander around the city on weekends. |
Warn | He warned us about the storm. |
Wash | She washed the dishes after dinner. |
Waste | Don’t waste your time on social media. |
Watch | I like to watch movies on weekends. |
Water | The plants need to be watered every day. |
Wave | He waved goodbye to his friends. |
Weaken | The economy is weakening. |
Wear | She always wears a hat to protect herself from the sun. |
Weave | The spider weaved a beautiful web. |
Wed | They will wed next year. |
Weigh | The package weighs 2 pounds. |
Welcome | We welcome our guests with open arms. |
Whisper | She whispered a secret to her friend. |
Widen | The road will be widened next month. |
Win | They won the game last night. |
Wink | He winked at me when nobody was looking. |
Wish | I wish I could travel around the world. |
Withdraw | She withdrew some money from the bank. |
Work | I work as a teacher. |
Worry | Don’t worry, everything will be fine. |
Worship | They worship at the local church. |
Wrap | She wrapped the present with colorful paper. |
Write | He writes a blog every day. |
Positive Verbs that Start with W with Examples
Verbs | Examples |
Warm | She warmed her hands by the fire. |
Welcome | We welcome our guests with open arms. |
Win | They won the championship last year. |
Wonder | I wonder what the future holds. |
Work | She works hard every day. |
Worship | They worship at the local church. |
Wow | The fireworks display wowed the crowd. |
Wield | He wields a lot of influence in the company. |
Wish | I wish you all the best for your future endeavors. |
Wonder | I wonder how they managed to pull it off. |
Woo | He wooed her with his charm and charisma. |
Watch | We watched the sunset together. |
Water | He watered the plants every day. |
List of Verbs that Start with W
W is a great letter to choose if you’re trying to get into learning and using more verbs. This is because W verbs are pretty common, often short and usually have simple meanings. Once you’ve learned them, you’ll find yourself noticing lots of opportunities to swap out other verbs in favour of W verbs.
Below, you’ll find a list of perfect W verbs to start with:
- Wabble
- Wad
- Waddle
- Wade
- Wafer
- Waffle
- Waft
- Wag
- Wage
- Wager
- Waggle
- Wagon
- Wail
- Wainscot
- Wait
- Waive
- Wake
- Waken
- Wale
- Walk
- Walker
- Wall
- Wallop
- Wallow
- Walm
- Walter
- Waltz
- Walwe
- Wamble
- Wammel
- Wan
- Wander
- Wane
- Want
- Wanton
- Wantonize
- Wany
- Wanze
- Wap
- Warm
- Warn
- Warp
- Warrant
- Wash
- Waste
- Watch
- Water
- Wave
- Weak
- Weaken
- Weal
- Wean
- Wear
- Weary
- Weasel
- Weather
- Weatherboard
- Weathercock
- Weathered
- Weave
- Web
- Wed
- Wedge
- Wedlock
- Weed
- Ween
- Weep
- Weet
- Weigh
- Weight
- Weird
- Welcome
- Weld
- Welew
- Welk
- Well
- Welldrain
- Welt
- Welter
- Wem
- Wench
- Wend
- Wene
- Were
- Whack
- Whale
- Whammel
- Whang
- Whap
- Wharf
- Wheedle
- Wheel
- Wheeze
- Whelm
- Whelp
- Whet
- Whew
- Whiff
- Whiffle
- While
- Whim
- Whimper
- Whimple
- Whimsey
- Whine
- Whinge
- Whinny
- Whip
- Whipgraft
- Whipsaw
- Whipstitch
- Whir
- Whirl
- Whirry
- Whisk
- Whisper
- Whist
- Whistle
- White
- Whiten
- Whitewash
- Wick
- Widen
- Widow
- Widowed
- Wield
- Wig
- Wiggle
- Wigher
- Wigwag
- Wilderness
- Wile
- Will
- Willing
- Willow
- Wilne
- Wilt
- Wimble
- Wimple
- Win
- Wince
- Winch
- Wind
- Windbound
- Winder
- Windlace
- Windlass
- Window
- Windrow
- Wine
- Wing
- Winge
- Wink
- Winkle
- Winnow
- Winter
- Wintergreen
- Winterkill
- Winterly
- Wipe
- Wirble
- Wish
- Withdraw
- Wither
- Withhold
- Withstand
- Witness
- Wobble
- Wol
- Wolf
- Woll
- Woman
- Womanize
- Womb
- Won
- Wonder
- Woo
- Wood
- Woodbine
- Wooer
- Woold
- Word
- Work
- Worm
- Worrit
- Worry
- Worse
- Worsen
- Worship
- Worst
- Worth
- Worthy
- Would
- Wound
- Wrack
- Wrangle
- Wrap
- Wrastle
- Wrath
- Wrawl
- Wray
- Wreak
- Wreathe
- Wreck
- Wreeke
- Wreke
- Wrench
- Wrest
- Wrestle
- Wretch
- Wrey
- Wrig
- Wriggle
- Wring
- Wrinkle
- Write
- Writhe
- Wrizzle
- Wrong
- Wrote
- Wry
Common Verbs that Start with W and Their Meanings
To kickstart your learning, here is a list of some common W verbs and their meanings:
- To wish – a strong hope or desire that something will happen.
- To waste – to spend or use, carelessly or extravagantly.
- To wail – a high-pitched cry of pain, sadness or grief.
- To want – a desire to have something.
- To wait – to remain still or delay action.
- To work – to perform tasks to achieve a goal.
- To win – to gain success in a task, competition, or in life.
- To wander – to walk around aimlessly.
- To wash – to clean something, typically with soap and water.
- To watch – to attentively observe something.
- To whisper – to say something quietly, typically to keep it a secret.
- To wither – to dry up or decay.
- To whine – to complain long-windedly.
- To worry – to get anxious over real or potential problems.
To conclude, there are plenty of great W verbs out there, ready and waiting for you to use them in your daily conversations. For instance, why not use ‘wander’ instead of ‘stroll’ Or ‘wail’ instead of ‘cry’ Or ‘wither’ instead of ‘fade? And there are many more examples. W verbs are super versatile, have easy meanings that people will understand, and can be easily worked into even casual conversation.
Related resources to verbs starting with W:
- Words that Start with W
- Adjectives that Start with W
- Nouns that Start with W
- Things that Start with W
- Positive Words that Start with W
- Positive Adjectives that Start with W
Learn more A-Z Verbs:
- Verbs that Start with A
- Verbs that Start with B
- Verbs that Start with C
- Verbs that Start with D
- Verbs that Start with E
- Verbs that Start with F
- Verbs that Start with G
- Verbs that Start with H
- Verbs that Start with I
- Verbs that Start with J
- Verbs that Start with K
- Verbs that Start with L
- Verbs that Start with M
- Verbs that Start with N
- Verbs that Start with O
- Verbs that Start with P
- Verbs that Start with Q
- Verbs that Start with R
- Verbs that Start with S
- Verbs that Start with T
- Verbs that Start with U
- Verbs that Start with V
- Verbs that Start with W
- Verbs that Start with X
- Verbs that Start with Y
- Verbs that Start with Z
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