Dragon Warriors • View topic (2024)

Here's a repost of some simple rules I originally posted a few years back on the Dragwars group:

DW Barbarians

Here's some quick rules I knocked up for a slightly more varied take on the Barbarian profession, which as it stands only really represents the stereotypical Mercanian or Thulish warrior, and doesn't comfortably reflect barbarians of other cultures.

Note I have added three new skills to the mix (and defined some swimming rules) - Expert Swimmer, Horse Archery & Master Slinger. I'll explain these first before going into the changes to the Barbarian Profession.

Basic Swimming Rules
Usually a character is unable to swim unless their background would suggest otherwise. If in doubt, roll a D6 - Knights, Barbarians & Assassins can swim on a roll of 1-3. Other professions can only swim on the roll of a 1.

When swimming a character may move through the water at a rate of 3m per combat round

If trying to swim encumbered or in rough water, a Strength roll on D20 is required, with a penalty equal to the number of items carried and the basic AF of any armour worn. Even if this roll is failed, they may attempt to recover each subsequent round, though with a penalty of minus 1 for each consecutive failed attempt - on a success they manage to reach the surface and grab a breath. Failure results in the character beginning to drown, and they can only survive submerged as for as long as their breath holds out.

A non-swimmer can hold their breath for rounds equal to their strength. Then they will begin to drown, falling unconscious and dying in rounds equal to their strength unless removed from the water and given first aid.

If attacked while swimming, a character can only engage an aquatic enemy with a penalty of -4 to Attack and -8 to Defence, and must still make a successful Strength roll to avoid drowning.

Expert Swimmer
An expert swimmer can move far more confidently through the water, and moves up to 5m per combat round at full stroke. He can hold his breath for twice as long as a normal person (rounds equal to Strength score x2), and when swimming encumbered only deducts half the usual penalty. When making swimming rolls, an expert swimmer may use Strength or Reflexes (whichever is higher) to determine success.

An expert swimmer can fight aquatic enemies with only half the usual penalty; they suffer -2 to Attack and -4 to Defence.

Horse Archery
The warrior may fire a normal bow from horseback (or indeed any moving platform) with no penalty. Normally attempting such a feat without this skill halves the archers normal basic Attack score (before taking into account further penalties due to range or illumination). This skill can only be taken if the warrior can ride warhorses and is also a Master Bowman (and is normally only available to barbarians of the Eastern Steppes in any case).

Master Slinger
This skill is exactly the same as the Master Bowman skill, but covers the use of slings rather than bows.

The basic attributes (such as Attack, Defence etc.) remain unchanged from the published rules. However, the homeland of the Barbarian determines their starting skills. Note that Wearing Medium Armour, Berserk, Track and Ride Warhorse are no longer abilities exhibited by all Barbarians universally! Some limited skills of the mighty are available from 8th rank onward. Main Gauche is now available to Barbarians as a 'Skill of the Mighty', but cannot be used in conjunction with Berserk or Bloodrage, for obvious reasons. A few barbarians have access to skills normally outside of the Knight or Barbarian profession - Climb, Unarmed Combat, Arrow Cutting and Adepthood. These are treated exactly as the original skills.

Expert Swimmer
Wear Medium Armour (can wear up to AF4 with no penalty)
Skills of the Mighty (may choose one skill per rank from 8th onward - Ride Warhorse, Bloodrage, Main Gauche, Weaponskill)

Wear Medium Armour (can wear up to AF4 with no penalty)
Skills of the Mighty (may choose one skill per rank from 8th onward - Ride Warhorse, Bloodrage, Main Gauche, Weaponskill)

Eastern Steppe
Wear Light Armour (can wear up to AF3 with no penalty)
Ride Warhorse
Master Bowman
Horse Archery
Skills of the Mighty (may choose one skill per rank from 8th onward - Wear Medium Armour, Main Gauche, Weaponskill)

Gnawing Wastes
Wear Light Armour (can wear up to AF3 with no penalty)
Master Bowman
Skills of the Mighty (may choose one skill per rank from 8th onward - Ride Warhorse, Bloodrage, Main Gauche, Weaponskill)

Trackless Ooze
Expert Swimmer
Wear Light Armour (can wear up to AF3 with no penalty)
Skills of the Mighty (may choose one skill per rank from 8th onward - Bloodrage, Wear Medium Armour, Main Gauche, Weaponskill)

Expert Swimmer
Wear Light Armour (can wear up to AF3 with no penalty)
Master Slinger
Skills of the Mighty (may choose one skill per rank from 8th onward - Ride Warhorse, Wear Medium Armour, Main Gauche, Weaponskill)

Wear Light Armour (can wear up to AF3 with no penalty)
Arrow Cutting
Unarmed Combat
Skills of the Mighty (may choose one skill per rank from 8th onward - Ride Warhorse, Adepthood, Main Gauche, Weaponskill)

Drakken Peaks
Expert Swimmer
Wear Light Armour (can wear up to AF3 with no penalty)
Master Bowman
Skills of the Mighty (may choose one skill per rank from 8th onward - Ride Warhorse, Wear Medium Armour, Main Gauche, Weaponskill)

Wear Medium Armour (can wear up to AF4 with no penalty)
Skills of the Mighty (may choose one skill per rank from 8th onward - Ride Warhorse, Bloodrage, Main Gauche, Weaponskill)

Ride Warhorse
Medium Armour
Skills of the Mighty (may choose one skill per rank from 8th onward - Track, Bloodrage, Main Gauche, Weaponskill)

Mistral Sea
Expert Swimmer
Wear Light Armour (can wear up to AF3 with no penalty)
Skills of the Mighty (may choose one skill per rank from 8th onward - Bloodrage, Wear Medium Armour, Main Gauche, Weaponskill)

Azure Coast
Expert Swimmer
Wear Light Armour (can wear up to AF3 with no penalty)
Skills of the Mighty (may choose one skill per rank from 8th onward - Bloodrage, Wear Medium Armour, Main Gauche, Weaponskill)

Thanagost Peaks
Wear Light Armour (can wear up to AF3 with no penalty)
Weaponskill Spear
Master Slinger
Skills of the Mighty (may choose one skill per rank from 8th onward - Ride Warhorse, Wear Medium Armour, Main Gauche, Weaponskill)

Expert Swimmer
Master Slinger
Wear Light Armour (can wear up to AF3 with no penalty)
Skills of the Mighty (may choose one skill per rank from 8th onward - Wear Medium Armour, Main Gauche, Weaponskill)

Cosh Goyope
Expert Swimmer
Master Bowman
Wear Light Armour (can wear up to AF3 with no penalty)
Skills of the Mighty (may choose one skill per rank from 8th onward - Wear Medium Armour, Main Gauche, Weaponskill)

Dragon Warriors • View topic (2024)
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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.