This Modpack sets out to create a fun fantasy environment. There are new biomes, new mobs, new magic systems, new dimensions, new loot, new dungeons, new civilizations, etc. All with the goal of emulating the fantasy world of Dungeons and Dragons. This Modpack does not emulate D&D perfectly, but it does a very strong job at merging Minecraft and D&D together.
This Modpack is for forge only and on Minecraft version 1.18.2 only.
There are 39 beautiful mods in this pack. Some of which are supporting mods helping the bigger ones run.
Some of the really big mods included are...
Biomes O' Plenty - A very well-known and large-scale mod that adds tons of new biomes in the overworld and nether. New blocks and items inside these biomes as well!
Better Animals Plus - A well-known and large-scale mod that adds tons of new animal mobs each with their own drops. Some drops are repurposed vanilla items, and some are brand new items!
Xaero's World Map + Minimap - These two amazing mods add a huge world map that fills in as you travel, and the minimap that has in-game customization. The minimap also shows your coordinates and the biome you're in. These mods were added for the sole purpose of making exploring your Minecraft world simpler. Sometimes traveling to the unknown can be intimidating and it causes us to become hermits in our little homes. With all the dungeons and structures in this Modpack, it would be a shame to fall victim to the fear of getting lost.
Ars Nouveau -What is D&D without magic!? This mod adds a huge magic system with new ways of crafting items, new very important mobs, new mage armor sets, new mage weapons, and the very important spell book! The spells in your spell book are completely customizable from what they do all the way to the name, color, and sound of the spell itself. This mod truly lets you become the Wizard you want to be!
Blue Skies -This mod brings two very new and very expansive dimensions to your world. What is D&D without a few instances of plane shifting? A new structure and NPC will spawn in the overworld and trading with him will get the resources you need to enter the new dimensions. Once inside, you will notice all your old Minecraft tools and gear is now junk! Well, only temporarily. Inside of these dimensions, the strength of your tools, weapons, and armor are greatly diminished. This means you will need to start mining and build new sets of dimension-based gear! Lucky for you, it's not a waste because this new gear works just as well in the overworld, and sometimes better!
Corail Backpack -This mod adds an extremely customizable backpack. The backpack acts as extra inventory space. This mod is amazing, but it is also incredibly complicated. There is a learning curve to mastering the usage of this mod, but do not worry, the most basic of backpacks is relatively straight forward so if you are not willing to dive deep into the nuances of this mod you can still enjoy a nice big inventory.
Dragon Mounts: Legacy -This mod adds ridable dragons. Not too much else to say. I mean. This is a Dungeons AND DRAGONS Modpack after all.
Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Food Core -This amazing and extensive food mod made byPamela Collins (MatrexsVigil) and Rhodox of the Painterly Pack adds so much food you almost won't know what to eat! Every great D&D universe needs taverns, and what is better in a tavern than tons of food and drink!
Alocraft: Beer & Stuff -Speaking of drink! This mod adds brewing of drinks to enhance your taverns even more!
Goblins & Dungeons- This is D&D, there MUST be goblins! This mod adds several types of goblins and a few structures worth invading!
Kobolds! -Where there are Goblins, there are Kobolds!
Reliquary Reincarnations -Why have magic if you can't have fun with magic items! This mod adds plenty of new items with fun and interesting magical functions that really bring the feeling of D&D into your world! This mod is very customizable too using an in-game mod configuration.
The Undergarden -A mod that adds yet another dimension! This one has a very Underdark-like feel!
Vampirism - Become a vampire! -This mod does exactly what it says it does. A whole new system of vampirism has been added to the game. With that comes vampire enemies of course. And when there are vampires roaming the plains at night there are hunters cutting the vampire heads off! If you aren't interested in becoming a vampire you can join the ranks of their hunters with new vampire hunter NPCs.
Just Enough Items (JEI) -With all these expansive mods of course we are going to need JEI! This mod adds a way to view all items and their recipes so you don't need to keep searching each and every installed mod's wiki page to find out how to craft an item!
Here is the full extensive list of mods inside this pack with links to their Curseforge page for more information on the mods and their amazing creators!
Alocraft: Beer and Stuff -
AppleSkin -
Architectury API(Forge/Fabric) -
Ars Nouveau -
Balm (Forge Edition) -
Better Animals Plus -
Biomes O' Plenty -
Blue Skies -
Clumps -
Cooking for Blockheads -
Corail Backpack -
Curios API (Forge) -
Dragon Mounts: Legacy -
Dungeons Enhanced -
Enhanced Celestials -
Fairy Dragons! -
Fast Leaf Decay -
GeckoLib -
Goblins and Dungeons -
Just Enough Items (JEI) -
Kobolds! -
(Only in v1.2) Mimic Mod -
Nature's Compass -
(Only in v1.2) Ogres Community! -
Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Food Core -
Patchouli -
Reliquary Reincarnations -
Silent Lib (silentlib) -
Staffs & Weapons -
Structure Gel API -
TerraBlender (Forge) -
The Graveyard (FORGE) -
The Graveyard Biomes (FORGE) -
The Undergarden -
ToroHealth Damage Indicators -
(Only in v1.2) Trolls Community -
Vampirism - Become a vampire! -
Xaero's Minimap -
Xaero's World Map -
Many of these mods add lots of keybinds that overlap with each other causing issues. If you plan on downloading this pack, plan on spending a few minutes customizing your controls.
Pleasehonor the mod creators here at Curseforge and refrain from exporting and redistributing this Modpack on other websites. Thank you.