The Hamilton Spectator from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada (2025)

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The Hamilton Spectatori

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CO MUNDAY' NUVtMBtKZO ZUIO I Mt MAMILIUN SrtU IAIWK l'litr3ftU new migrants include the same im The journey to Curacao takes SERIAL STORY her spinning tail on the Hard ish that tie quietly whistled to his mother dolphins can increase speech and motor skills in patients diagnosed with de 3 caught this place are made to do them thrummed through them This was worse than be could his mother die here! Next time: Trapped CANADA WORLD any teeth and faster too But the Hard ish were 'asleep? mother want to wait and so she set out on her own Kayote and I agreed to come and help her after we had the pod back together Butwe were too late!" "She was caught Mattie She caught by the big hard fish that we saw before but by a much smaller hard fish We followed from a safe distance calling to her We found her but help her She kept telling us to leave for fear they would catch us too" were too smart and fast for them piped Kayote Poin dexter flicked him with his tail This was not a time for ego 'You know I leave her in his short It was cloudy that night as they cautioned Kayote added "Your mother also tells us it is safer to come at night Such happiness mixed with such sadness They wanted to swim to? gether Touch each other 4There were other dolphins with ed Your mqther give up though Somehow she said that she would have sensed if you were re ally gone and so she set out to find you We would have gone with her but the pod had scattered for their lives when that Twirling Monster came from nowhere We felt we had "That was different and Mattie said with a full stomach He was swimming easily with his two pals feeling satisfied and content "My mother You must know What has happened to my moth Mattie said it quietly Poindexter knew it was his re sponsibility to tell Mattie we all thought you were gone We called and called your signature trinkets on the street or even solicit Dutch tourists for sex forced by the smugglers to pay for their passage Heteine seems to be part of a nature Many people believe dol phlns can help humans with their powers to heal Some researchers state that act Box streaming across the Amazon Ba sin by the tens of thousands to reach Brazil They are concocting indigenous Venezuelans begging at migrants and send them home elaborate scams to sneak through traffic Then after being tossed over airports in Caribbean nations that once accepted them freely When neighbouring Venezuelaarefarless back HOORAY! YIP Mattie turned to his best friends and they took the time to acknowl edge the great joy of being together again Their emotions and feelings were all mixed up They were going from relief to joy to missing each other to loving and laughing all at once! The three took off together sets off again to find bis mother Dio swimming leaping twirling leaping ing deep he hears an unmistakable all together timing perfect joy sound perfect They travelled this way not communicating until they were whistle and you never respond exhaustedand hungry! Mattie was starving In his ex citement to get to Poindexter and Kayote he stopped to eat even thought about it actu ally but now he realized that it had been a long time since he last filled his stomach Kayote and Poind exter led the way to some shallow to' get the pod together and make waters near land Mattie wondered sure that they were safe first Your why he had been led here Kayote always the teacher started "This is a different way to catch your dinner Mattie and it will be easier now that there are three of us irst we must swim back and forth forcing the Poindexter quickly continued few fish there closer to the shore They must be between us and the Poindexter chimed in and with an air of pride he explained "Mat tie the trick is that we only end up with basically our heads on the beach The rest of our body is still in the water This way we can grab the fish but still have our fins and bodies in enough water to allow us to get back into the water and then catch some more fish Actually it is 4 Empty homes now dot the streets at the start of an unprece of the fishing town of La Vela Bel incus ana swan wan tnese beings The 'Hard release a terrible smelling oily stuff into the water that does not blend with the water but floats on the surface and makes her facing the game fate They the water dangerous to us That is were not of her pod Hut did not why your mother and the others make any difference though None grow weaker The water should die thk way move with the waters we move in It is kept away and then suddenly have imagined and he had tried to the smelly water is let out and new imagine the worst He could not let water drawn in The dolphins swim with these beings and while there could be joy there the dolphins are not given time to rest before anoth er group of beings comes to watch They are worked too hard in the had water When they die they are replaced have visited you mother and she tells us about this but warns us 5 WRITTEN AND ILLUSTRATED BY MARGARET GILLRIE RASER Mattie learns about human be and makes a very special friend named 'Robby who gifts him with a hetnamei STARLiGHT! During their time together Mattie helps to restore histlittle health Then with the knowledge that he has made a lifelong friend he says good bye pnd Mattie I just help her Kayote though has been a true friend after all because he agreed to stay with me We figured that if and so we will wait and then goto you were still alive you would come 'wi looking for your mother We want or Mattie it was the longest day ed to be here for you We will take you to her But she well Mat' tie She gets weaker every day She i approached Kayote warned of the lives hoping to see you once more' is she getting weaker each could slice up a dolphin worse than day? Mattie asked nVhat hap pens to her in this Kayote answered "Mattie they now and therefore they were safe keep her on an island There are They approached carefully Mat hard fish that come with beings on them And there are beings on the He heard his whistle The land They watch as the dolphins joy and love bathed them filled beanislandofCuracao have fled the country in the past Venezuelanshavemovedtothebor Afraid of the authorities the year alone the highest in more than der region that includes the Brazil smuggler refused to land He or a decade according to scholars ian state of Roraima officials say dered Bello and the others into the studying the exodus Now the Brazilian army is boosting water pointing toward the distant shore In the panic she was tossed overboard tumbling into the pre dawnblackness But Bello could not swim As she began to sink under the poverished people that waves a fellow migrant grabbed policies were supposed to help her by the hair and towed her to Desperate Venezuelans are ward the island They washed up on a rocky cliff battered by waves Bruised and bleeding they climbedraying for a lifeline: jobs money something to eat was worth the said Bel lo 30 adding that Venezuelans like Venezuela opened its border with hospitable sayingtheysimplycan her going after one Colombia for just twodays inJuly 120000 people poured across sim est to coast Aruba and Venezuela was once one of Latin ply to buy food officials said An Curacao have effectively sealed richest countries flush untoldnumberstayed their borders to poor Venezuelans with oil wealth that attracted inuni But perhaps most startling are since last year by making them grants from places as varied as Eu the Venezuelans now fleeing by sea byworkinginabrotheltheauthor rope and the Middle East animagesosymbolicoftheperilous tering the equivalent of more ities in Curacao say i 't i '4' tries in droves creating what de national Monetary und estimates hold as many as 500 Venezuelan migrants after they are caught ac lit was faint but there was no mis taking it It was signa ture whistle! Mattie could always hear Jo Jo and Bruizer sending their signal back to him but now Poind signal was there filling the night! Suddenly the twinkling sparklies in the sky were brighter the wind 1 softer the night clearer Poindex ter was out there in the direction Mattie was heading and then he heard Kayote too! Mattie was so happy He signalled and signalled and swam as fast as he could They were swimming top! They would meet just after dawn of the second sun rising if they kept their speed up! As they were nearing each other the excitement was thrumming through them They knew how they would greet each other They would play the game they did as young dolphins? Closer and closer they were speeding towards each other They could actually see the spray and feel their energy merg ing with each now They were heading straight for each other at the highest speed that they could go! They could now see their eyes their smiles their melons and thenthey spun! Missing each other by less than an inch they moved simultaneously creating a smaller circle mirroring each oth moves ta only they had prac tised and now they were circling in a tight formation They then moved fn order to leap in the air together with complete synchronization and re enter with a resounding splash When they came back up they were clicking and whistling with the purest joy and love for each other! Mattie asked first What happened? WHY? Where were Kayote as always the started "Slow down Mattie Same Mattie thinking faster than one an dick Welcome home my cous 7 Poindexter handle his excitement with the same calm as Kayote He just kept slapping the waters wjth his fins and flicking his NewYork Times News Sendee i To view the 'augmented reality content for this story download the REE app to any mobile device ind the app at httpthe dolphin waycom Thv open the app on your device and hold your device steady over the illustration Be prepared to be amazed! rl I Do you have a question about dolpHns? Author Margaret Gflrie raserwM be pleased to answer them via her website httpthe dohin waycom prison accused of smuggling mP There is also Roymar But after president Hugo Chavez journeys to escape Cuba or Haiti i vowed to break the ecd but not oil rich Venezuela WILLEMSTAD CURACAO The nomic elite and redistribute weal th Inflation will hit nearly 506 per dark outlines of land had just come to the poor the rich and middle cent this year and a mind boggling patrols and deportations and Aru a day they are now scattered across into view wnen tne smuggler lorcea ciass nea ro more weicwmng cuuii iouu per cem next year me inter oa nas even set asiae a stadium to seas and borders everyone into the sea Roymar Bello screamed She was mographers describe as Venezue one of 17 passengers who had first diaspora climbed onto the overloaded fishing boat with aging motors in July hop way much less wealthy and not reers for precarious lives abroad ing to escape Venezuela economic nearly as welcome disaster for a new life on the Canb beanislandofCuracao have fled the country in the past snnveuing salaries and creating a' 1 new class of poor Venezuelans who cording to the authorities? Now a second diaspora is under have abandoned protessional ca for Venezuelans who once went relatives hack home A uncle was The exodus is unfolding so Curacao to spend money as tour not so luckvs He sits in a Curacan a a a a a a JL vr vrw av a a nm a a Ara rarara 1 VVC11 UVV1 JOVjVUV VC11CZUC1110 IJUlVIMy UiaiOUllCVldMUUUl i IbLBIlUl lopieauior WOrK 1 grants such as his relatives zueia you are irom a ncn country that has Bello said of mother Maria Pinero who despite her encounters on the island "And I ordeal vowed to make the say: journey by boat too Tm she began leaving with noth ing But I have to do thia Other wise we will just die here Roymar Bello was the first in the' family to learn what happened next when a friend called at a And as socialist in patrols along highways and rivers spired revolution collapses into bracingforevenmorearrivals economic ruin as tood and medi cine slip further out of reach the dented humanitarian crisis in this hometown in Venezuela their part ot the Amazon said Col Ed ownershavmgsetoffbysea valdo Amaral the state civil de fence chief already seeing them on a loo kilometre crossing Venezuelan lawyers working as su filled with back breaking swells She opened her computer AlrpaHy permarket cashiers Venezuelan gangs ofarmed boatmen and coast imageswerecirculatingofthepas women resorting to prostitution guard vessels looking to capture sengers being apprehended by the authorities Roymar Bello recog ni reel er mother The small Caribbean islands board and left to swim ashore they Pinero landed with a dozen other? hide the bush to meet contacts passengers in detention she said who spirit them anew into the tour watched over by guards She ist economy of this island They 'sounded desperate and tired her clean the floors of restaurants sell voice cracking thought that tty mg would be worth it but in the end it because headed back Pinero said 't Vs Venezuelans flee in boats to escape economic collapse is 4 hn i NICHOLAS CASEY But after president Hugo Chavez journeys to escape Cuba or than five years of earnings in a mini Countless families in Venezuela mum wage job are like the Bellos now Unable Both countries have increased scrounge together more than a mealz Ml brother Rolando works construction in Curacao and hisX wife recently loined him leavino' a dramatic reversal of fortune their seven year old daughter with X7a1 A7I SaIo nes varUt am a a A tsr a a velopmental physical anchor smotional disabilities Others believe dolphins can help cure cancer in humans Scientists do not know exactly how dolphin healing works but some be 'lieve that the sonar used by dolphins can target and repair damaged areas In the human body Although in its very early stages many scientists around the world are Investigating the use of ultrasound (which one of the dolphin's many at tributes) to treat various medical conditions Dolphins also help Injured members of their family groups and other i Isea mammals such as whales In 1983 for example at Tokerau Beach In New Zealand a pod of pilot whales ran aground during low tide Town residents 'i worked to keep the whales alive by sponging their skin and calming them 1 until the tide came in But even when the tide came in the whales were dfcori ented and efid not know wbach way to swim in order to get back out to sea nearby pod of dolphins swam Into the shadows putting themselves at ride andherded the pdot whales out to sea saving 76 of the 80 whries a I I A a fun thing to do for a I I JQinnin VVoV Mattie was up for anything! He a was so happy to be with them He ir' i would have believed they could Chapter 13: riends for No Advantage jump over the rainbow into a pot of fish if thpv tnW him thw mnld Hn it together i' 3 CANADA WORLD.

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The Hamilton Spectator from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada (2025)
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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Views: 5497

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (56 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.